Parchon’s syndrome is a disease characterized by inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH; vasopressin), caused by hyperfunction of the nuclei in the hypothalamus. Manifested by hyponatremia less than 130* mmol/l, and urinary hyperosmolarity more than 300* mosm/kg. An important component of the manifestation of clinical symptoms is the rate of reduction of sodium in the blood.

Symptoms of Parchon’s syndrome

Symptoms of hypersecretion of vasopressin include weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache, convulsive seizures, confusion, etc.
In chronic hyponatremia, even at a sodium level of less than 130 mmol/l, the above symptoms may be absent.
A sharp decrease in sodium in the blood may lead to impaired consciousness, swelling of the brain, possible respiratory arrest and death.
Also, the cause of the syndrome can be both the presence of a mass lesion of the brain (tumors, aneurysms, hematomas, etc.), and extracranial neoplasms (small cell lung cancer, etc.).
Some drugs (thiazide diuretics, tricyclic antidepressants, MAO inhibitors, etc.) can cause ADH hypersecretion syndrome.
MRI often reveals demyelination of the brain stem.

Differential diagnosis of Parchon’s syndrome

  • Salt-losing defect;

Treatment of Parchon’s syndrome

After neurosurgical operations, transient Parhona syndrome may occur, which regresses against the background of restricted fluid intake and additional consumption of salt. In severe cases, the treatment of the syndrome consists in the intravenous administration of hypertonic solutions in combination with diuretics.
*Approximate value